Birth Stories and Testimonials
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April 2022
My only regret is that we didn’t choose midwifery sooner. 

We couldn’t have asked for a better home birth or midwifery experience. It was so much more than anything I could have imagined. This was our fourth child’s birth, so there were many aspects that we, as seasoned parents, expected and knew. What we didn’t know was how much more time, connection, education, and trust we’d have with a home birth. Midwives and OB/GYNs don’t belong in the same conversation because they have approaches that are completely different. It wasn’t about earning respect or “staying in my doctor’s good graces” or feeling intimated or less than or rushed. Instead, there was mutual respect, flexibility, feeling important and heard, and working together as a team. My husband and I have been raving about it and have told everyone that they should go with a midwife and see home birth as your first option. 

Pamela has been excellent from the start. Our appointments were about learning from each other and how to have a healthy pregnancy. She laid out my options with full explanations and respected whatever decisions I decided without hesitation. I wasn’t waiting for hours in the lobby for only 15 minutes of her time either. When I found out my baby was breech, Pamela gave me tools and resources, not panic or doubt, to help my baby turn on their own. When we thought my amniotic fluid needed to be checked, she gave me tools and resources, not panic or doubt, to ensure it was okay.  Our appointments flowed beautifully to when it came to our birth. Pamela’s birth preparation lists were thorough and well-thought out. 

 We communicated throughout the day about contractions and how I was feeling through them. When requested to come, Pamela was quickly on her way because I was her only patient that day. It wasn’t when she got a break or could get away from the office. She arrived shortly after our conversation and was able to set up without issue when my contractions were still manageable. 

An hour or so later, I asked how I could help move labor along. Pamela suggested a walk outdoors and getting fresh air, to which my contractions intensified and got closer together almost instantly. We thankfully made it back inside, and my water broke. I was immediately able to do what I felt in the moment was right, which was get in the shower. With the warm water soothingly hitting my back, I got on all fours and stayed in that position for only 30 minutes before my son arrived. So out of 7-1/2 hours of labor, only 45 minutes were truly tough. 

With my hospital births, I felt like I had to be coached when it got challenging. I felt squirmy and self-conscious and scared and crowded. With Pamela and her assistant, Amber (also excellent!), it wasn’t about their agenda or what was easier for them or checking dilation and effacement. It wasn’t about letting numbers and monitors distract me or adjusting to their pace or their need to interfere. They gave my baby and me the space and time to let labor unfold naturally. 

Yes, it was challenging. Yes, it was painful. Yes, it was so vulnerable and intimate and exposing. But I’d never trusted my body more than in those moments when it was being tested the most. When given the space and time to “just be me,” my body knew what to do and how to respond. My husband said it was the most peaceful I’ve ever been during birth and delivery, especially pushing, which lasted only seven (!!) minutes. I’m so thankful for the trust I had in my birth team, for their trust in me, and for my trust in my body. It was life changing. 

After our son was born, instead of leaving us, Pam selflessly got in the shower with me and let me lean back on her until I was ready to move to bed. Her and Amber graciously and quickly got things in order so that my husband, baby, and I could bond in bed. Pamela and Amber took their time, not in a rush, to answer more questions, tell us more about their perspective during the birth, and took vitals and measurements. When we felt we were good to go, they trusted us to care for our baby without constant monitoring, and her and Amber headed home. What’s more is both my baby and I will continue to see Pamela throughout the next six weeks, not after six weeks. The care extends beyond anything an OB/GYN will ever offer. 

I’m sure I’m missing some things, but if you’ve ever had any hesitation about a home birth, please learn from me as someone who’s had both hospital and home births, the latter being far superior to the former. Give yourself the chance to experience the beauty of birth the way it should be…beginning at home. 

May 2017, July 2019, May 2022

Pam is a wonderful hands-off midwife yet stepped in with permission when necessary. She understands and respects the need and benefit for a laboring mother to go through the birth process within her own body.  Pam was a wonderful benefit to have at the birth of two of my babies now.

September 2021

My birth experience with Pamela as my midwife was amazing. She was so good at taking time to answer any questions we may have had. We never felt rushed during any of our visits with her.  During our labor at the birth center she was calm and let us do our thing.  I really appreciated that.  Pamela was also really great at having me try different labor positions when one wasn’t working.  I highly recommend her!  

December 2017

After finding out I was pregnant with baby number three, I knew I wanted to give birth the mo​st organic way possible.  I did what most people around this area do and I called and scheduled an appointment with a doctor.  After only my second visit and talking with my doctor about my birthing plan, he let me know that he wouldn't b​e able to do everything I requested.  This was unacceptable to me, so that same day I called Pam and set up my first appointment with her.  After meeting with Pam I knew she was the midwife for me.  We both shared the same values regarding birth.   She was attentive and very easy to talk with.  I felt very comfortable around her and couldn't wait to share this experience with her.  Knowing that I would be working with a midwife and that she would let me do things the way I wanted, I immediately felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.  Our society is constantly focusing on horror type birth stories, but Pam always reassured me that birth is a natural thing and not an illness.  She gave me the confidence and courage that I needed to prepare for my birth.  Throughout my pregnancy Pam encouraged me to grow a healthy baby through good nutrition and helpful supplements.  She always took the time to answer my questions and addressed any concerns I had.  At each visit she would share with me something remarkable about my baby and the mother/baby connection.  It was fascinating.  

My beautiful daughter made her debut at 6am on December 23rd, just in time for the holidays.  Her arrival was pretty quick as I labored for only four hours.  During my labor I was well supported and could feel the love in the room.  I was able to give into my contractions and let my body do what it was designed to do.  My baby was born in the water and directly into my arms.  There were no hassles, no interventions, no poking and prodding.  It was just me and my baby and my closest friends and family looking on in awe.  It was the most beautiful thing I have ever been a part of and the most amazing thing I've done in my life.  It was exactly the euphoric feeling I wanted to have with my birth.  If you are looking to have your birth your way...the birth you deserve...give Pam a call.  She is nothing short of amazing and I will always have a special place in my heart for her.  

December 2017

They say every child is a different experience and that couldn't have been more true for us. My first child was born via emergency c-section due to her being breech and the doctor not willing to deliver vaginally. I spent hours trying to get her to turn.   It was very stressful, which is possibly why she came 3 weeks early. When she was born, they didn't even let me hold her and the drugs made me black out until hours later. I don't even remember the first time I got to nurse or hold our daughter.

My next child I wanted to have at home and use a midwife. After the first experience, I wanted things to go completely different. However, I went into labor 5 weeks early and we ended up going to the hospital to try and stop the contractions. After doing an ultrasound, they said he looked healthy and was going to come anyway so they got me checked in and I ended up giving birth that evening. Although the experience was at a different hospital, they let me walk around and experience labor without drugs, and they let me have a VBAC, I still wished it had been at home.

Fast forward 3 years later and we were about to have our third. My husband had just accepted a new job in a city 6 hours away when I found out I was pregnant. We were moving to a new area with so many more birthing options it was overwhelming. Luckily I had had two different people refer Pam to me from my previous city. She met with me and accepted me in my second trimester. I was at a loss to my exact LMP as that was when we were selling our house and moving. Pam worked with me to make sure my baby stayed in as long as possible.  We figured out the best nutrition plan for me to help my baby gain weight and stay put until full term.  I honestly believe it's due to her care and expertise that our baby came 2 days before his due date instead of coming so early like the other two had!

My favorite part was after I had our baby, and Pam made sure baby and I were okay (never taking him away from me by the way).  She left me alone with him to bond and heal, nurse and rest, while she cleaned and waited for us to have that precious time together. That was so unlike anything I experienced at the hospital where they just whisked the baby away. I was so shocked and I was so blessed by that time. I would recommend Pam to anyone. She has a great amount of knowledge and was super helpful and supportive during my entire pregnancy, labor, and postpartum process. She was super patient and available to answer any questions or concerns I had. I'm extremely pleased with our experience. She is a wonderful person and it was a wonderful experience. I'm thankful for the opportunity.

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